FAQ 60.01 Compiègne

How do I get to Alfred Hotels - Compiègne?

Alfred Hotels - Compiègne is accessible and located 500 meters on foot from the Compiègne train station. Paris is 45 minutes away by train via Gare du Nord. If you’re arriving by plane, Alfred Hotels Compiègne is 60 km from Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport.

Where can I park my car at Alfred Hotels - Compiègne?

Alfred Hotels - Compiègne has an indoor parking garage with about ten spaces in the basement. In addition, there is a public parking lot directly across from the hotel.

What time can I check in?

Check-in starts from 3 p.m.

What time do I need to check out of Alfred Hotels - Compiègne?

You can keep your room until noon.

Can Alfred Hotels - Compiègne store my luggage and belongings?

A luggage storage service is available at the hotel. Feel free to leave your bags with our receptionists.

Can I rent a bike at Alfred Hotels – Compiègne?

Bike rental is unfortunately not yet available at Alfred Hotels Compiègne. This service will soon be offered so you can explore the old town and enjoy the beautiful forest walks.

Is there a restaurant or bar at Alfred Hotels – Compiègne?

Médité, our bar and restaurant, is open from Tuesday to Saturday, from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Clément and Paul will introduce you to all the flavors of the Mediterranean and make you their best cocktails!

Does Alfred Hotels - Compiègne have meeting rooms?

Alfred Hotels Compiègne has two fully renovated and equipped meeting rooms.

What are the breakfast hours at Alfred Hotels – Compiègne?

Breakfast is served from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. on weekdays and from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on weekends.

How many rooms are there at Alfred Hotels – Compiègne?

Alfred Hotels Compiègne offers 56 fully renovated rooms, including several suites, family rooms, and even 3 studios with a small kitchen

Can I work during the day at Alfred Hotels – Compiègne?

Alfred Hotels Compiègne features a dedicated coworking space for remote workers.

Can I cancel my reservation?

Reservations can be canceled according to the terms of sale specified at the time of booking.

When will my credit card be charged?

We will charge your credit card upon your arrival at the hotel.

What are the different types of rooms at Alfred Hotels – Compiègne like?

At Alfred Hotels Compiègne, bedding comfort is essential! All our rooms are equipped with the best mattresses, mattress toppers, and two pillows (soft or firm). Our supplier, "Le Matelas Français," equips the top Parisian palaces. A bubble of softness for an unparalleled night’s sleep! From single rooms to family suites, Alfred Hotels Compiègne welcomes you whether you’re alone, with a partner, or with family. Three studio rooms also feature a small kitchen.

Is there a hairdryer in the room?

All rooms have a hairdryer.

What is included in the breakfast menu?

Breakfast is one of the essentials at Alfred Hotels Compiègne. Offered as a buffet, there is a wide selection for those who prefer sweet or savory. We work with a top French artisan for our breads and pastries, and our coffee is roasted by Terre de Café, voted the best roaster in France! The best way to start your day.

Can I order room service?

Alfred Hotels Compiègne provides a connected fridge always stocked with a selection of prepared meals for a delicious moment at any time of day or night.

